Sunday, December 12, 2010


Les examensssssssssss.

It's funny, because even with all those "s"s I wrote, the French wouldn't pronounce it anyway, harharharhar.

But really.

Exams. Exams this week.

Intensive French, Persian, and Arabic tomorrow.
Translation and an oral exam/interview for my conversation course on Tuesday.
History of the English language on Wednesday.

And then, mes chers amis, it's off to Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki, and Manchester until around the 28th(???). More about that later. And by later, I mean "after my exams" and "after I've packed" and "after I've booked places to stay in Tallinn and Helsinki".

And a post about all the hilarious things I've been doing will surely come before I leave as well. I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Your exams are now over but none the less...Toi toi toi ( good luck in German speak, cant remember what it is in French!!)

    Have super travels over the holidays :-)

    r :-)
